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Home / Books / All / More! Level 1 Teacher's Resource Pack with Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD
More! Level 1 Teacher's Resource Pack with Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD
More! Level 1 Teacher's Resource Pack with Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD
6500 ֏
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Author Herbert puchta jeff stranks
Product code 700110
Category English language learning
Subcategory Teenager's educational books
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Cover Soft
Age years old
Number of pages 88
6500 ֏
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The Teacher's Resource Pack contains unit tests, review tests, and term tests, as well as entry-level tests and end-of-year tests. There are extra grammar practice and communication activities for each unit of the course. The free Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio CD allows teachers to create their own tests. It previews each exercise before inclusion, and can create 'A' and 'B' versions of each test so that students sitting next to each other don't share answers. Exam skills (KET-, PET- and Trinity-style) questions are also available.

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