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Home / Books / All / English in Mind Level 3: Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD
English in Mind Level 3: Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD
English in Mind Level 3: Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD
5300 ֏
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Author Sarah ackroyd
Product code 700398
Category English language learning
Subcategory Teenager's educational books
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Cover Soft
Age years old
Number of pages
5300 ֏
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Gives teachers the flexibility to create and edit their own tests. It is extremely easy to use while also offering a range of functionality for those who like to customise more. Teachers can choose from unit tests, which can be combined in pairs, and end-of-year tests. There are also options to test the same course content at both 'standard' and 'more challenging' levels. The Testmaker can produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. This disc contains all the audio required for test listening components. LEVEL: A1 - C1

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