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Home / Books / All / Complete IELTS Bands 4–5 Student's Book with Testbank
Complete IELTS Bands 4–5 Student's Book with Testbank
Complete IELTS Bands 4–5 Student's Book with Testbank
5000 ֏
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Author Guy brook-hart vanessa jakeman
Product code 701182
Category English language learning
Subcategory Examinational books
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Cover Soft
Age years old
Number of pages 200
5000 ֏
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The 10 topic-based units offer step-by-step approach to completing the different task-types for reading and listening and stimulating speaking activities to increase confidence and fluency. A Language Reference provides further grammar and vocabulary explanations while Writing and Speaking References contain tasks, sample answers and exercises. A Testbank access code for four online IELTS Academic practice tests is inside this book.

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